“O, swear not by the moon, the fickle moon, the inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circle orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable”
– Shakespeare

For ages now, people have been interested in the unknown yet well known existence of the outer world. To delve further into the matter, the main figure of the content, should be well understood. Likewise, Cambridge Dictionary defines Space as : “the universe beyond the Earth’s atmosphere”. However according to the Human convention, anything beyond the umbrella of conscience has been designated to be a part of this far fetched land. However, with modern techniques and well researched theories, people have reached out to the glitz and glamour if the outer world. INDEED! They have made their way to space. On the contrary, according to some newer concepts of scholars, “rather space has created a niche in our minds and thereby in Us (perhaps surreptitiously)”. Is it?

With the varied new gadgets which have taken their respective seats in our lives very dexterously, similarly, Space related fun and melodrama has also crept into our living rooms without our immediate notice. When the children of Space enter our entertainment sets, they are welcomed with new badges “Space Opera”. The kids of this generation has inevitably fallen in this trap of “interplanetary wars, heroic warfare, futuristic techniques and armaments”. This science fiction with all its grandeur has taken a mighty place in today’s lives.

In spite of being aware, we have unconsciously fallen in the Universal deluge of fantastical space tales. Even in the tiniest problems, do we not think for once, “Wish, I had the powers and the weapons of the Real Heroes of Star Wars!”. Even in this global world of rationalism and practicality, falling prey to such so called science fiction (which indeed has no science related rationality nor science related usage) is precisely shameful.

We cannot deny, that we are living in such a world, where in the outer world or the Space has become an integral part of our lives unknowingly. However, it is time, people understand the importance of choosing the right road to recovery, thereby “slowly pushing the Space Operas to the back seat of our mind” and bring forth true Science related stories.

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